The California Sherpa Association (CSA) was founded in June 2010 with the objective of uniting the Sherpa community based in California.

The association endeavors to preserve the rich cultural and religious heritage of the Sherpa people by organizing cultural and Buddhist religious events.

Furthermore, CSA is committed to providing assistance to the Sherpa community in times of need, both in California and Nepal.

As a registered 501(c) nonprofit organization, the California Sherpa Association is dedicated to supporting the Sherpa community and safeguarding its cultural legacy.

The Sherpa people are an ethnic community from the northern part of Nepal, primarily from the Solukhumbu region.

They are renowned for their mountaineering skills, physical strength in the high altitude ability to adapt to high altitude.They are renowned for their mountaineering skills, physical strength in the high altitude ability to adapt to high altitude.

The majority of mountaineering expeditions rely on Sherpa guides and climbers due to their exceptional expertise.

Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa, and Sir Edmund Hillary were the first people to successfully summit Mt. Everest.

After summiting Mt. Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary made significant contributions to the development of the Solukhumbu region. The Sherpa people generally practice Tibetan Buddhism.

Sherpa Association is dedicated to preserving Sherpa cultural heritage and Sherpa Association is dedicated to preserving Sherpa cultural heritage and supporting its community.

Sherpa Association is dedicated to preserving Sherpa cultural heritage and supporting its community.

Sherpa Association is dedicated to preserving Sherpa cultural heritage and supporting its community.

Sherpa Association is dedicated to preserving Sherpa cultural heritage and supporting its community. supporting its community.

(Most dates are approximate)

  • 1480 Sherpas originally came from Kham/Tibet
  • 1533 Sherpas cross Himalayas and settle in Khumbu area
  • 1553 Settlement of Solu
  • 1667 Founding of Pangboche monestery 
  • 1667-77 Founding of monestery at Thami and Rimijung
  • 1720 Founding of Zhung monestery
  • 1831 Founding of Khumjung monestery 
  • 1850 Birth of Karma, the senior founder of Tengboche monastery
  • 1856 Birth if Sangye, Karma’s younger brother and the sole founder of Chiwang monastery
  • 1885 Birth of Kusang, a Tengboche monestery sponsor
  • 1905 Founding of Nauje/Namche monestery 
  • 1916 Founding of Tengboche monastery
  • 1923 Founding of Chiwong monastery
  • 1925 Founding of Debuche nunnery, near Tengboche
  • 1953 Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and Sir Edmund Hillary became the first persons to summit Mt. Everest